Wednesday, March 14, 2012

18 hours off the ventilator

After so much waiting, it's hard to believe that the ball is rolling quite as fast as it seems to be.  We will be bringing Evan home in a matter of weeks.  WEEKS! 
Today, Evan was off the ventilator for 18 hours.  He's just so fantastic. 
Friday is the BIG day this week, with us taking him off the ventilator for a full 24 hours, and saying "BUH-BYE!" to it for good. 

We still have to do a rooming in, which we plan on doing right before he's scheduled to come home. 

But we're getting so close I can taste it. 
Evan says "I'm happy about getting to go home soon!" 

Kisses for Daddy- Too sweet NOT to share!

We had a decent day today... Evan was a bit irritable this morning, so he spent the morning snoozing on his favorite mattress- Momma. 
But the afternoon, he was all smiles.  We did some physical therapy, and played, talked, and had a generally good time.  He also had an eye examination to follow up on the possiblity of cortical visual impairment, and the doc was encouraged at the difference he sees in Evan now as compared to his initial exam.  We'll be doing another follow up when Evan is a year. 



  1. Yay!...Evan saying "Buh-Bye" to the vent is a day LONG looked forward to! Hoooray!! Go, Evan, GO!! So proud for you, sweetie....that photo of Evan giving his Daddy's sugars is soooooooooooo sweet! Let me know when they finally schedule your overnight excited for you all!! <3

  2. Ethan Storey, a happy "Storey" and a Blessed "Storey", indeed! : ) Thank you LORD!
