Thursday, August 29, 2013

Too busy

It's been a busy month. 

Today we had his first feeding evaluation since before Kayla was born. A lot has changed in 5 months. Evan is eating and drinking... We'd like for him to drink more fluids orally since he only gets about 25% of his total fluid intake orally. We would also like to see more diversity in what he will eat, since he refuses all veggies and fruits.  His diet is pretty limited, so we supplement with an instant breakfast drink to fill in the dietary gaps. 
But all in all, he's doing really well, and has made a ton of progress. 
As of now, he is cleared from physical therapy. He no longer requires it. 
So now he's just receiving occupational, feeding and speech therapies.  

It's been busy with a lot of things other than usual routine of therapies.  Our AC went out, and we ended up having to purchase two window units (one for upstairs and one down) in order to stay cool for the 5 days we waited for it to be fixed by our landlord and the AC company they hired. Which made me want to crawl up the walls with frustration, because there was no reason for it to take that long. We all piled into our bedroom (the lone AC upstairs) at night and I got to experience the joy of Evan's head being firmly planted in my spine. 

We went to the lake, and let Evan wade around. It was a lot if fun. 

We had a rock thrown through Evan's bedroom window. Which was not fun. 

Luckily, Evan was not in his room at the time due to the lack of AC.  I say that the Fort Worth police officers that responded were very courteous and one even said "bye-bye" back to Evan as we ushered them out of our home. 

I do believe I'm done with August.  

Luckily, September is just around the corner.
I'd say we're ready. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Evan's 2nd birthday

It was a fairly routine day yesterday. Evan was in a pretty good mood, and we went to his weekly speech therapy session in the morning, like always. 

I made cupcakes, and he and I snuggled at nap time. After daddy came home from work and we ate dinner, we lit the candle on his cupcake and sang "Happy Birthday".

His cupcake was CRAZY sweet (cookies n cream batter with strawberry icing.....what were we thinking??) so he didn't eat any, since he's not a big fan of overly sweet things. 

Then we opened and put together his present, which was a big hit. 

After that, it was time for bath and bed. 
We'll be taking him to the zoo when Dad is not on-call and likely to be called out to fix an AC.  

Today we had his 2 year checkup.  He is pretty much following his own curve- 8th percentile in weight at just 24 lbs, and 22nd in height at 33 inches.  Pretty typical numbers for an omphalocele kid. 
We discussed how far he's come, and keeping an eye on his developmental milestones, since he's delayed.  

I have been a mess remembering the day he was born. It's hit me hard this year, I think because Kayla is so young and her birth still fresh in my mind, in stark contrast to his. The fact that she just turned 3 months, which was a turning point for Evan.... It wouldn't seem like they would be related, but they are in my mind. 

Happy 2nd birthday my sweet boy- I love you more than words can express. My world is a better place with you in it. <3