Monday, June 25, 2012

Just some thoughts

If you're looking for more adventure in your life.... Have a kid.
Children are small, demented little maniacs that seem willing to try anything and everything they possibly can.... Preferably within a two hour time span. And just when you think that they're inexhaustible.... They fall asleep, and sleep with the same utter abandon that dominated their day.
Nothing is more precious than seeing this little, pure person in all their glory.

And the best part is that every little adventure, every new experience is new for you as well. Because part of their experience is sharing it with you.

Being a parent is literally the most awesome adventure of my life.

1 comment:

  1. It is so wonderful that you are getting to enjoy some of the more "normal" aspects of being a parent, now. I know Evan is rapidly taking in his environment and adapting to the changes he has been making with "gusto"! :-D I couldn't be happier to see it! From here on will be having more good than bad days and moments. Love you all so much!
