Saturday, June 23, 2012

Evan applies HIS rules to our world

This was just so precious, I had to share.
I was sitting with Evan on the floor, and he was discovering all he could about the suction tube and catheter.
Without any warning, he held the suction catheter up to my throat, and started laughing.
I was startled. Is he trying to mimic us when we suction him?
So I drew back and asked him "are you suctioning me?" and leaned forward. Immediately, he brought the suction back up in the direction of my throat and laughed again.
We did this several times, much to Evan's delight.
I just loved seeing this cognitive leap.

I'm also seeing big steps in his physical therapy, and occupational therapy.
Evan has been sitting unassisted for 30 minutes at a time. He also is reaching for, grabbing, and bringing toys to him while sitting. We're seeing super fast rolling over. He's trying to get his legs under him to crawl. He's more interested with the idea that he can move himself to get things he wants.

All this activity before his 1st birthday is incredibly heartening for me.

Just a week and a couple of days to go until we try to be rid of the trach!

1 comment:

  1. I have FINALLY found out how to get my "comments' to post!! It was sooooo frustrating during the long period when I couldn't remember my password...or even which "blog" I created so I could follow yours!...Anyway, you already know Nana is NOT the most "tech-savvy" person you know ;-)
    I LOVE all the adbvancments Evan has made since he's been HOME! He's such a little trooper...and he's gonna really "take-off when he gets the trach removed! Can hardly wait! Love all so much! Kisses and hugs!! <3
