Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Day 2- Home

So today we're officially at home a full day. So awesome.

Last night was wonderful- we settled in after spending the afternoon and evening downstairs just enjoying having Evan home. We had the home supplies delivered for the next month , and introduced Evan to his room.

He LOVED IT! He was just fascinated by the monkeys, his bed, the animals on the wall above his bed.... We played and got him comfortable in between doing his care & getting ourselves ready for bed.

I slept in his room (which I plan to do for a little while until I get a handle on his schedule), and was able to settle in and go to sleep after Evan had been asleep for 30 minutes. I slept for 4 hours, undisturbed, and it was the best.
Evan was up by 5:15, and we played and talked. At 6:30, we moved him downstairs, and he is currently in his pack & play taking a nap.

Today, we have GETTING ORGANIZED on our agenda, and going to see his pediatrician. The getting organized is pretty important, since it's been a little hectic juggling everything since we got home, and we need to know what supplies we have, and where they are at a moment's notice.

So I'm leaving you with photos from last night & this morning. By the way, the one with Evan and the remote.... Daddy was explaining to Evan that GUYS get to hold the remote control, and he's expecting Evan to make sure and hold onto it while he's gone. Too cute. :-)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It was so good to hear from you today! I am so glad everything went well last night. I know you all will handle this next phase with flying colors. :-)
    I love this "remote control" with daddy telling him "it's a guy thing"...too cute!!
    Praying he does well with the first pediatrician's visit, and Carl can come with you both, since your home health care nurse...couldn't make it!
    I LOVE you all and will SEE you both tomorrow!!! Vanessa and Ariana are coming with me for sure...but Pop may not make it in in time. LOVE YOU!!!!! Kiss my grandson for me...I'll collect plenty tomorrow!!! ;-)
