Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Day 2- Home part 2

Whew. What an eventful day.

Splitting time upstairs at night and downstairs during the day entails moving quite a bit of equipment.

1.) Evan's emergency bag- includes extra trachs, scissors to cut the ties,and a manual suction in case our suction fails.
2.) Ambu bag- for CPR if Evan stops breathing.
3.) Feeding pump, bag & stand- because a boy's gotta eat.
4.) Oxygen converter and attachment- its a big blue box that converts room air to pure oxygen.The attachment reduces his oxygen flow to less than a liter.
5.) Nebulizer- for breathing treatments.
6.) Suction- incredibly loud device in the gray bag that sucks Evan's secretions out, because he can't get them out himself.
7.) Various supplies- this includes alcohol wipes, diapers, wipes, burp cloths, and toys.

And look! I have illustrated everything with pictures!

All in all, it's been a tiring day, but still hundreds times better than being at the hospital.

And I learned what works and what doesn't.

1 comment:

  1. It's so good that you are getting organized with all of his equipment, and that you are finding out what works and what doesn't. I know you will be settling down into a routine that works for you, Evan and Carl all this week...and probably into the next couple be quite honest. IS hundreds of times BETTER than the is still HOME! Love that y'all are doing so fantastic with it!
    I was extremely put out with myself for not being able to come up today. Shooting for tomorrow! Kiss my wonderful grandson for me, and pat yourself on the back for doing such an awesome job being Evan's mom!! See you tomorrow...LOVE YOU!! Love EVAN!!!! <3
