Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Snot factory

My little snot factory is still going strong-poor guy! He's not really feeling BAD, just producing epic amounts of mucus.

He's doing fantastic, pulling up on his own and moving around great- he's really trying to crawl a little, although its more a scooting around thing. It's cool, just so long as he gets the idea that he's capable of mobility on his own.

Feeding is going great- he's regularly eating 8 ounces of stage 2 baby food a day- we're still not keen on liquids, but I finally feel like we'll get there soon enough.
We cut out his continuous feed at night, and his frequent waking has significantly diminished. I'm so thankful to be sleeping in my own bed.

I've been quite thrown off by my extreme morning sickness. It's just had me down. Blech.
Which accounts for my lack of posting.

1 comment:

  1. This, too, shall pass! I'll be so glad when Evan gets over the cold-symptoms and you are no longer feeling tired and having morning sickness. We are so proud of Evan's accomplishments in eating and mobility. Nana and Pop are praying you both are 100% soon! Love you all...kiss my grandson for me<3
