Friday, July 3, 2015

Please Tell Me Why Your Hangover is More Important Than My Son's Life

So lately, I have witnessed a new "hangover cure" being popularized by celebrities on social media.
Essentially, the "cure" is just an IV being placed by providers that specialize in relieving hangovers, exhaustion and jet lag.  And this practice is being popularized by celebrities.  Because, golly, it's just so HARD being them, and they need a pick-me-up every once in a while.
Forget coffee!  The hangover cure will fix you right up.

Under normal circumstances, I could not care less what celebrities are popularizing.

But since there's a shortage of the very same life-saving components  used in these hangover cures, I feel the need to speak up.

You see, there are many people who need these nutrients to live.  Not to feel better.  TO LIVE.  Such as this family, who shared their story two years ago.

And this mother who spoke out against this "hangover cure".

People who only are in this world due to the life-saving components that are in short supply, and have been for years.

So can anyone explain to me how it is possible that this same life-saving elixir is being used to alleviate people's HANGOVERS?
All you have to do is Google "IV hangover cure" and scroll through the images to see not only how widespread this practice is becoming, but also how it is being marketed. Images of people lounging by the pool with IV bags set up next to them, pictures taken and posted on Facebook and Twitter of smiling, healthy adults showing off their IV sites, people loaded on a bus receiving this "therapy" because they couldn't be bothered to even go to the nearest clinic.

Better yet, check out how Buzzfeed decided to detail their hangover cures.

How about this image:

This is my son. Do you see this large white line going directly to his chest?  That is IV nutrition. And he wouldn't be here today without it. 

Please tell me why your hangover is more important than a mother getting to hold her baby for the first time. 

Or why jet lag is a good excuse for me never seeing this smile. 

That my son's life means less to you than a night of over-indulging. 

There are more faces than his. Premature babies, children with various medical issues that prevent them from eating and drinking, and adults as well. 

We only required TPN for a short while.  Others live with it in their daily lives. 

How is okay to deprive anyone of something they need to live just so you won't be inconvenienced? 

Tell me how the life he leads is less than yours. 

I don't understand it. 

And neither does he. 

All he knows is that he is loved. 

So please, please, don't "like" pictures of people receiving this treatment.  Don't send the message that it's okay.  And if you want to take it one step further, how about speaking out against it?

You can contact Melissa Harkey, the mother I referenced above, who is fighting to bring to light the consequences of this misuse of IV nutrition.  She will send you a form letter to send to your state senator.

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