Tuesday, February 18, 2014


I think I'm finally beginning to see the fog that has been over me for so long starting to lift. 

I have struggled so much with anxiety and depression and (still) the traumas of Evan's birth and hospitalization.  

But spring is coming.  Spring always means new beginnings to me.  Kayla will a year old in April.  

And then it will be summer and we will celebrate 2 years without a trach and Evan's 3rd birthday. 

He's doing great. Really great. 

I worry and fret and I am trying to find a school that does ABA (applied behavior analysis) therapy to enroll him in when he's 3. 

Some days we struggle.  When he's stuck inside, my sensory-seeking child desperately needs activity, movement, sights and sounds.  Lots of it.

So he has a trampoline inside now. 

Because he killed his bed jumping in it for hours before going to sleep. 

We also got a zoo membership at the Fort Worth zoo. We have been graced with gorgeous weather so we've been going every day we can. 

It's been very fun and occupies him very well. 

Here's a timeline of upcoming life events: 

April 7th- doctors visit, and hopefully we'll get the all-clear to remove Evan's gbutton. 

April 12th- March for Babies walk for TEAM OMPHALOCELE !  


April 30th- Kayla's first birthday! 

May 5th- Developmental Pediatrician follow up. 
