Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Bathtime for Evan is very involved and takes about an hour- if we schedule in time for play. But we've made it a nightly ritual to bathe him, do his dressing, trach tie change, and trach cares. Afterwards, it's cuddle time, and he usually falls asleep on me. Then it's time for the 9 pm feed, and I put him to bed. We soothe him after getting him in bed and try to get him back to sleep- how much he's napped during the day has a direct effect on this, however. Still, he's awfully sweet in the evenings..... Heck, he's sweet all the time, what am I saying? But I especially cherish the routine, because it's like a piece of home in such a sterile environment.

1 comment:

  1. His belly wound is really looking good. In a another month or two, it should be completely healed, at this rate. He is so adorable! Nana LOVES her Evan <3 Kiss my sweetie goodnight <3 :-)
