Friday, July 6, 2012

Trach is gone!

Buuuuuuhhhh-BYE trach!

We were able to take his trach out Tuesday morning. We tried Monday afternoon, but failed.
Our hopes were a little low Tuesday because of how the previous afternoon had gone, but we felt it was worth trying again. And when we tried, he amazed us all by doing spectacular!
The trach came out, and he not only was doing great without it, he required NO oxygen!

We spent the next few hours on pins and needles, hoping nothing would go wrong- and it didn't! He coughed and cleared his secretions himself, like he was supposed to, and maintained his saturation levels. The only "problem" is that he now spits up a little easier when he coughs sometimes. But as time has passed, the frequency of his spitting up has lessened.

So we spent the next 48 hours in the hospital, just monitoring his progress. By Wednesday afternoon, I just knew he would continue to do fantastic.
I was with him every hour, with the exception of getting a meal, or picking up Carl after he came home from work. When I took him home in the evenings, I would grab a shower and head back up to the hospital for the night.

Evan really enjoyed all the attention from the nurses, respiratory therapists, and therapists that had taken care of him before. We had a lot of them stop in to visit and to see how he was doing. They bragged on him so much, I could tell he was just eating it up. He was mostly happy for our stay, with a few exceptions, but he really did wonderful all around.

We were discharged Thursday afternoon, and came home. Both Evan and I were happy to be back, and Carl was happy to have us at home once again. We all slept a lot easier last night, being together again.

So now that we have no trach and no oxygen, we're planning on having a blast!

Oh, I almost forgot- we also got rid of the helmet two weeks ago. So the only "equipment" he has attached to him is the g-button. Love it!
Next, we're going to work on this whole eating thing. :-)

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