Thursday, April 12, 2012

Probably time for an update

Well! Well, well, well.... Where do I begin?
Evan has been doing amazing- I knew he would, he rolls with the punches, and home felt perfectly comfy to him by the first day.

Now, we are supposed to have help in the form of an LVN that comes to our house and assists me with anything having to do with Evan. In reality, this is far from what has happened.

On Wednesday of last week, I got a call from our representative from the home health company saying the nurse wasn't available, due to her daughter's daycare being closed after the tornados we had the day before. Okay. So day 2 comes, and quite frankly the nurse wasn't much help, mostly because I had weathered the day before (which was the hardest) all by myself, and I don't like giving up his care to a total stranger outside the hospital. I let her go early.
Day 3, we had a physical therapy appointment at 8 am, so I had asked her to be here at 7:30 so we wouldn't be late. She showed up at 7:45, we loaded him in the car, and made it there a little late. On the way out from the appointment, she insisted on holding him while I pushed the equipment in his stroller, and was kissing him as we walked out. It was a bit bizarre. She then got a call from her daughter's daycare saying that her daughter was sick, running a fever and would have to be picked up. I told her she could go, and finally insist that she leave because if her daughter was sick I didn't want her around my son.

Come Monday, I called to let the service know I wouldn't need her. They called back to let me know she had quit. Well, that works just fine for me, because I didn't want her to care for Evan anyway. they assured me I would have a replacement by Wednesday.
Tuesday was easy, but I got a call from the nursing service that someone wouldn't be available until Friday. Sooooo... I had already rescheduled Evan's pediatrician appointment from last Wednesday. It was rescheduled to this week on Wednesday. We had an occupational therapy session scheduled for Wednesday at 8:30, and his pediatrician appointment was at 1:30. And here I was alone, once again, unable to rely on the nursing service.
Well, I decided that I would not reschedule yet again, not knowing if we would have another issue arise later. I got up at 5 am (I'm up anyway, but I usually go back to sleep for a few minutes after taking care of Evan), and started preparing Evan's stuff for his occupational therapy appointment.
Portable oxygen tank? Check.
Pulse-oximeter? Check.
Suction? Check.
Emergency bag with trachs? Check.
Ambu bag? Check.
Diapers, wipes, toys? Check.

Then I got myself ready while Evan slept and was getting fed. After that, I woke him up, did all his morning care, dressed him, and carried him down to his stroller. I then took 15 minutes getting him loaded up into the car, and getting him comfy.
And we were off- after a few miles, and exiting the highway, I had to pull into a parking lot to suction him. We were running a tad bit late, after taking the time to suction and calm him down, we set off again, and drove the remaining few miles to the therapy clinic. And I unloaded him & all his stuff, which took a little under 10 minutes. We were 15 minutes late.

After an hour doing the occupational therapy assessment, I loaded him back in the car. It was 9:45, and we were late getting his 9 o'clock feed. Luckily, he fell asleep on the way home, do I was able to get there fairly quick. And I unloaded him and all his stuff yet again. We got his feed going, at 10:20, and after playing for a few minutes, he fell asleep, and slept until 12:15. It was time once again to start loading him up, since we had further to drive to see his pediatrician.
And so I loaded him and his stuff up again.
And it was a good thing we left at 12:30, because traffic was awful. It took me 20 minutes alone just to make it through two lights. it was during this time that I discovered my car is compact enough that I can lean back and suction his trach, one handed while sitting at a stop light.
We made it to his pediatrician appointment with time to spare. I unloaded him, cursing the fact that I neglected all forms of exercise while he was in the hospital, because I was starting to feel the burn, so to speak, from all the lifting I was doing.
The pediatrician looked him over. I think she and I will get along well, and she seemed knowledgable.
Good enough, we spent 45 minutes there. Time to load him up again, and try to get his 3 o'clock feed going.we had completely missed his 12 feeding, but I had thought about that, and allowed his feed from before to run longer, and was planning on doing the same with the rest of his feeds so I could make up for the loss of 100 ml of formula during the day.
It was 2:35 when we got home. I started his feed first thing after unloading him the final time. Then I looked around, saw nothing pressing, and collapsed into my chair. Whew.

So that was yesterday. After all that, Evan and I slept the sleep of terribly tired individuals that night.

Today, we took it easy. And tomorrow I'm supposed to have help. But after all that, I have to ask- do I really need help?

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry the home nursing company is not working out...I will be glad to come and go with you and Evan to your doctor and therapy sessions. Just let me know WHEN...and I can be there, sweetie. I know you and Evan are getting along without so much nursing "care"....but there will be times when just having an extra pair of hands would be advantageous. I personally, feel that you will not need to have physical and speech therapy for very long at all, because Evan will quickly catch up to where he needs to be. I think you are doing an AWESOME job...(knew you would!) and feel so much better that you and Carl are in control of all his care, now. I love you! Kiss my grandson for me, we won't come to see you this weekend. Keep us updated...and of COURSE...if you need me to help with anything..I'm THERE. Just let me know, sweetie! <3
