Sunday, March 4, 2012

12 hours off the vent

Well, this past week, we've hit both "normal" milestones and "Evan" milestones.

1.) We are now at 12 hours a day off the ventilator. Again, our goal is 18 hours off. We reduce the time by an hour every other day, so about 12 days from now we'll be there! He's doing fantastic.

2.) Evan's first lil' tooth is coming in! I have to admit, this particular milestone had me a little emotional. I had hoped that we would be home by this time. My sweet baby is getting bigger and progressing in so many areas, and it's bittersweet. I love seeing progress, but at the same time, I am sad to have missed out on the "normal" way of things. For many moms, teething is a pain (no pun intended), potty training is a nightmare, and the "I must discover all the hazardous things in this house within 2 hours" stage is flat-out an inducement for pulling out her own hair. But for me, it's really a wonder. It's a reminder that we're incredibly lucky Evan will be able to do those "normal" things.

3.) Evan is getting good at rolling over. There's been many times in the past week that we've come in to find him on his belly.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE that he is meeting all of these milestones....hate that you and Carl have had to miss so many of these normal activities from home.
    Life will soon take a much different turn for you, Evan and Carl...your little family will have the opportunity to have "family time" and do most all of those things that you missed out on. It's going to be great for Evan to get to enjoy his life...explore his environment! Free to have a family meal together, week-ends and evenings spent at HOME being a family...(not at the hospital)
    I cannot wait for you to have a good, healthy dose of normal, routine, "Mommy and Baby time"! Free from the hospital monitors and constant from hospital staff being involved and over-looking every interaction between your child and yourself and Carl:-) Yep...sounds like HEAVEN to me :-) We love you...kiss our Evan for us..and tell him Nana and Pop LOVE him! <3
